The Phileas Club 54 – President Eastwood


On this episode we talk about:

  • The Germanwings plane crash
  • The war in Yemen
  • Taxes (sorry, “charges”) in Saudi Arabia
  • Firing squads in Utah
  • And more…

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  1. Hello,
    Cette idée que chacun propose une nouvelle à commenter est excellente et je pensais que tu l’avais lancé par rapport au dernier sujet plus que survolé du dernier épisode.
    Mais là, après presque 10 minutes soporifiques sur Banshee, j’hallucine quand Turki aborde ce sujet exactement, le plus intéressant de l’épisode, et que personne ne réagit ! Alors que quand même, il a été abordé la dernière fois !!
    J’avais commenté sur l’épisode alors en faisant part de ma légère indignation que personne ne réagisse sur un sujet aussi important. Je me suis dit bon, personne n’est au courant, ok (ce qui n’empêche pas d’en discuter) mais là, je… Je ne comprends pas. Je suis vraiment abasourdi. Et même en colère je dois dire. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je prends ça autant à cœur mais il fallait que ça sorte.
    And I’m sorry I’m telling this in French it’s just easier for me 🙂

    • patrick says:

      I thought I replied to you directly after your previous comment but apparently I didn’t, sorry. The key issue is that some countries won’t allow for commenting on some topics and could get some people in serious trouble. As much as I want us to have an open discussion about everything, I don’t want to land anybody in prison, so I have to settle for limited comments in some cases. I’m sorry you’re disappointed, and I understand your frustration, but the reality is what it is, and in this case it wins. As much as it pains me (and I *assure* you it does), it’s not the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the last. I can’t go into more detail, as I’m sure (I hope) you will understand.

      • Anthony says:

        Thanks Patrick for your answer. I do understand but in this case Turki himself brought this up so it’s too bad it wasn’t more discussed.

  2. Michael K Pate says:

    “Firing ranges in Utah” – I think you may want to correct this to Firing Squads.

    About the Indiana thing – Great discussion about the law but it got a few things wrong.

    RFRA Laws date back to the reaction to – where two Native American Men were penalized for their use of Peyote in Religious Ceremonies.

    Many people think the impetus for this law was and and it probably was. But here’s the thing: What the Indiana Law does is allow someone to present a defense in Court that they feel doing something would violate their religious beliefs. Which seems highly unlikely to succeed in a case like the ones above because of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Essentially if people wanted this law so they could discriminate this law would never let them do that.

    • patrick says:

      Oh my, thanks for the Firing squad thing, I’ve corrected it.
      And regarding the potential for discrimination of that law, I guess it’s all moot now that the provision about that issue has been added, but it still feels like the spirit of it was very much of pandering, even if it wouldn’t be applicable in those cases… Anyway, all’s well now I suppose? 🙂

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